For the first week of October, Kyler, Henry, and I went to go stay with our friends Dave and Mistie Ellsworth in Southern California! They are great and have the cutest baby boy Jed who is close to Henry's age. They let us stay with them and they planned a ton of fun stuff for us to do. We had a great time!
We flew in on a Thursday and luckily Henry did pretty well on the flight. We offered him a sucker and besides using it to make EVERYTHING sticky, it worked like a charm and he was quite calm. :) After we were picked up at the airport, we headed straight to the beach. We don't mess around people! We got to see the Santa Monica pier and the Promenade mall. We ended the night off with a bonfire on the beach roasting hot dogs and s'mores.
(click the picture below to see more.)
Friday was spent at Six Flags! It was a perfect day to be there- there were hardly any lines all day, it was great. We ended the night with a Major League baseball game!
(click the photo below for more pictures.)
Saturday we took it easy and watched General Conference and then we went to dinner at BJ's.
henry pondering what to order
Sunday was filled with more General Conference and yummy kabobs with coconut rice that Dave made for everyone!
Monday we went to a pumpkin patch and had fun thinking about Fall. :) We grabbed lunch at a place called Charlie Browns which had some seriously delicious BBQ style food. It had a huge store connected to it and we spent forever walking around and being amazed by all of the quirky things they had there.
(click the picture below to see more.)
Tuesday we hiked to the Hollywood sign and then toured other fun sights in Hollywood. Boy is that a different place to be as opposed to Utah. :) We were pretty much the only people with babies around and we got a lot of funny looks from young girls who probably thought Mistie and I were nuts to be moms at our age. Funny thing is that Mistie and I are livin' the dream!
(click the photo for more.)
Wednesday we went to the LA temple. It was beautiful and so big! Then we hit In N Out for some lunch and spent the rest of the day watching The Avengers and packing for our flight back home on Thursday.
It was such a fun trip and we are so glad to have friends like the Ellsworths. Till next time California!