Okay, this post is way overdue!
We bought a home in Provo at the end of September last year and have been busy with projects to update and renovate it! It's been fun to see it change for the better and we're so excited about what we've accomplished so far!
It's been a ton of work and there's still so much to do for the rest of the house, inside and out, but we're pretty excited about the progress we've made up to this point!
Before I show you the finished product, here are some "before" pictures to show you how badly the front room needed a face lift.
West side: Sea foam green carpet that was super dirty and well worn, "white" walls that were so dirty and aged they weren't white at all and windows with no blinds and no privacy. When we first moved in the curtains were a thick material that was beige and they clashed with the walls. I bought brown curtains to have better privacy for when we were in the front room but in hindsight I don't think they were necessarily doing the room any favors!
East side: the other half of the front room. Pardon the horrible mess!
West side: A close up of the walls before I painted them. I had done my best to wash them again and again but they were just permanently dirty and faded.
West side
Next here are some "in between" pictures as we began the process of remodeling!
West side: Kyler pulled up the carpet so we could put new wood floors on the west side. (Pictured are the original ward floors.)
Center: In this picure I had painted the walls already but still needed to do the baseboards and door. I had painted around the door though, and you can see how dirty the "white" door is next to fresh white paint!
West side: New floors in and walls painted - getting closer! The gray color of paint is called Muslin from Sherwin Williams. I copied it from my sister in laws house because it was the perfect shade of gray! :)
Painting with two separate colors can kind of be a pain, but it looks so good when it's done! I had taped around things but I still got annoying little clumps like this when I pulled the tape off. I had to use a small pant brush to fix it, but it worked out!
Not perfect but much better! Thankfully it didn't take too long either!
And then finally we were finished!
Now we have a beautiful dining room and a more modern, comfortable living room. :)
West side: Table and chairs from KSL for $20
West side: pictures of the kids by the talented Trevor Larsen, my brother. :)
East side: Looking so good! Only needing furniture!
East side: All done!
East side: Family picture also done by my talented brother, Trevor Larsen.
View from east side: The lighting isn't the best here but here's the room at a different angle. We got these couches from KSL for $460. Pillow case covers from Amazon for $8.
We love it so much! It's come so far.
I had forgotten how it looked in the beginning, it's crazy to see the comparison!
Its been a lot of hard work but I'm so glad we did it. And doing it ourselves has really helped us to appreciate it more and take better care of it I think. Remodeling is a love/hate relationship but when it's all said and done it's so so worth it!
Hopefully soon I'll post about the kids bedrooms. :)