Henry's 8 Month Update

This baby boy is 8 months old and is at such a fun stage! 

He has just starting crawling which is quite exciting! He was showing signs for around a month, and then all of sudden he just started going for it. I was excited to catch one of his first good "crawl" sessions on video. :) 

He is still a great sleeper and eater, although he doesn't really like fruit, and anytime we feed it to him he makes a great disgusted face. It takes a few days, and then he's finally okay with it. It seems like oatmeal cereal is his favorite thing to eat still, as well as puffs. He is a cutie as he tries to feed them to himself. Sometimes he'll grab the puff with his whole fist, and then try to shove it all in his mouth which usually just means the puff dissolves in his hand and makes a gooey mess. :) It's fun to watch him learn! We are starting to feed him soft foods other than purees that he can chomp with his gums. He also moved into this high chair and he really seems to like it! I mean, look at that excited look on his face in the picture below. :) 

I have been thinking this kid would pop teeth for like 4 months now, and we still have yet to see anything! I guess its not a big deal if he doesn't have them yet. I just get excited to see little teeth coming in. :) He sure chomps on things and drools a ton though, but that's been going on for months. 

He loves exploring and now that he can crawl, I am amazed at how quickly he disappears. He is really good at finding everything I don't want him to find. :) I need to get creative about baby proofing stat! 

He has really perfected his flying trick, and he loves to show it off to people. Henry is a crack up when he does it and really seems to get a kick out of it. :)

He is a mover and shaker these days so it was pretty humorous to take pictures of him today. He just wasn't in the mood to sit still and pose! 

We love this little boy! Now excuse me while I go run and catch him!