Well, if you haven't heard yet, we're expecting baby #3 this February!
This pregnancy happened a little sooner than I thought it would but Kyler and I are excited and (hopefully) ready for the challenge. :) Our first two took 6 months to get pregnant with so I just thought that's how long it takes for my body and that's what I was planning for. Imagine my surprise when this pregnancy happened asap!
I don't really know why things happen the way they do- why this baby happened so quickly as opposed to my first two, why so many of my dear friends struggle to conceive or have multiple miscarriages through out their lives. I don't know why life has to be so full of surprises and pain and different plans than what we have for ourselves, but I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us and loves us and is so mindful of our struggles. ❤️
How I found out:
My cycle was late and I took a test- negative! I took a test every few days and they stayed negative but still no cycle in sight. I was quite confused! Finally, at 17 days late (😳😳😳) I got my positive!
My first positive tests are always so faint but I knew it was real when it showed up on all 3!
How far along:
14 weeks! My body is strange and ovulates and implants so late, (and my cycles are already kinda long) so at my first ultrasound, according to my last period cycle date, I should have been 12 weeks. Imagine my surprise to hear I was only 8 weeks! A whole month behind! I was 2 weeks behind my cycle date with both Henry and Rose, so 4 weeks was quite unexpected and kind of a bummer. BUT baby was healthy and growing and we heard a beautiful heartbeat at my most recent appointment as well so all is good!
Give me all the french fries! I've gone to McDonalds an embarrassingly large number of times lately
Anything hot or cold! Like real meals or healthy food- fresh fruit, yummy dinners. For some reason room temperature things have just been yuck. Like granola bars, fruit snacks.. pantry items. You know, all the easy to prepare items 🤷🏼♀️
Salsa and chips 👌🏻👌🏻
How I've been feeling:
The exact same as my other two pregnancies- which means fairly sick. I can pretty much name the week when certain symptoms will start/end (thank goodness for well detailed journal entries!) which is just crazy but at least I know what to expect and can prepare myself mentally and emotionally! I get nausea pretty bad from week 4-14 and I start throwing up from week 10-18. Thankfully I have some amazing medicine (diclegis) that has pretty much stopped me from throwing up (hallelujah!) but I do still get a yucky sour stomach feeling where all I want to do is lay down. I take zofran to help with my nausea and it has worked so well for me! The only bummer there is my insurance caps how frequently I can fill my prescription (where they'll pay for it) so I only get to take it about half as often as I need it. It can make it hard to choose the days where I feel good but I'm grateful I at least have had that option. Modern medicine is so miraculous! (Some alliteration for ya.)
I know both diclegis and zofran have had some "controversial" studies out there (and also so many positive ones!) but after discussing it with my doctor, weighing the perceived risk with actual probability of issue and considering how it helps me take care of myself and my children (little fetus included) I felt that it was a good choice for me to take them both! You may have a different opinion or have made a different choice for yourself and that is just fine. :) we all do what's best for us and our families!
If you've seen me during my first trimester and I acted chipper and like nothing was wrong at all, well you saw me on a day I had zofran. :) I do think this pregnancy has been a little easier altogether though because although I've felt the same in yuckiness, I've had better medicine, knew what to expect and when, and told a few good friends earlier on so I had better emotional support throughout. 👍🏻
Is it just me or does my little fetus look a little bit like a llama?!
Main symptoms:
sour stomach
migraines (about 1-2 a week)
heartburn (it started SO early this time! Like week 6, all day every day. 😳 thank goodness for omeprazole! The only thing that actually takes care of it for me!)
random soreness and cramping
occassional moments of insomnia
How far apart my kids will be:
Henry and Rosemary are 20 months apart and Rose and this baby will be 20 months apart as well! Hank will be 3 1/2 and Rosie love will be 20 months when baby comes.
Fun facts:
*I used to hear women say you show so much earlier with each pregnancy and boy are they right! I'm already dealing with my belly getting bigger during the day, (thank you bloat) meaning I'm smaller when I wake up and then look 7 months pregnant by bedtime ha! (In my announcement picture that is all bloat baby!) But my real baby belly popped at 12/13 weeks this time. I tried to wear flowy shirts and midi dresses to hide it for as long as I could but I'm so glad to just wear whatever now and show off the bump!
* We didn't tell the kids we were having a baby until we were ready to announce to the world (because toddlers can't really keep secrets!) but a couple times in the first trimester Henry would look at me with a sly little smile and say "you got a baby in you mama!" I would just play it off but wouldn't confirm or deny but man is that kid smart! He's never said that to me before so it's pretty amazing he could piece it together! Kids just know things sometimes. 💁🏼
* Henry said he wants this baby to be a girl and he wants to name her Nabey. (No idea where his name choice came from!) Rosie is oblivious to everything and has no clue that her reign as baby of the family is nearing its end. :)
How I told Kyler! I hid this in an envelope and wrote "Bishop McCarty" on it and told him someone left it for him from the ward 😂 also it says January because according to my last cycle date that's when I would have been due. The test looks negative from this distance but I promise there was a second line- although so faint. :)