Last year we had the first ever reunion for my parents and siblings and I. We figured it was time to start something like that every year since my brother and his wife live out of state and babies were starting to join the family. We wanted our kids to know each other and to play with each other at least once for sure each year. (hopefully more. :) ) It's called Larforty because its a blend of all of our last names!
This year we went to Smith and Morehouse Reservoir, which is through Cottonwood Canyon. It was nice because it was just about an hour and a half drive for all of us! (besides my brother and his wife who had driven from Washington state of course.) We are all about short drives with babies these days.
Our campsite was nice and really really big!
It was fun to see how big my sweet niece Elora is. She will be two in November! She is such a sweet little girl with the cutest little voice. It was fun to get to play with her and see her interact with her two little cousins!
Chasing Isaac around :)
Isaac seriously amazes me with how fast he is learning things! He eats like a big boy and can walk. He also makes the cutest growl sounds. :) He is such a precious member of our family!
His hood had adorable little horns!
Chillin' with Uncle TT
We had delicious meals planned and had fun setting up camp and hanging out the first night.
Playing some games
Henry sizing Elora up
This was his facial expression the entire time in the kiddie pool Laiken had set up as a play pen
Mom and Dad got a hotel nearby and came to meet us the next morning. We ate some lunch and went to play at the lake. The water was fairly cold but we still had some fun!
Then we ate some dinner and went on a little stroll through the camp ground. Even those small things are so much fun with little ones!
The next morning while cleaning up camp we shot some group pictures. :) Henry was clearly loving it all.
We had a blast! :) Can't wait for next year!