In early August we had my family's annual reunion! We call it Laforty because it combines our maiden and married names (Larsen - Forsey - McCarty) and we basically think we're creative as heck. :)
This year we went to Moon Lake which is near where my parents grew up so that was fun! We were there from Friday to Sunday. It was quite the adventure with all of the babies (6 little ones ages 3 1/2 - 3 months) but it was such a great time. Being out in the great out doors had a magical effect on my pregnancy sickness too and I felt awesome and didn't need any medicine until the last day. It was amazing!
Rosie slept terribly both nights but boy am I grateful for Kyler! He's a loving daddy and knows just how to handle those stressful situations. ❤️
And now for pictures!
Kyler kept the kids busy by playing some tunes
Hanging out with uncle wes and Lejf
Just having a blast in Uncle Trevor's hammock
Taking out the raft - Hank wanted out after 30 seconds
Skipping rocks
Pure joy
His sweet face
She was all about crawling in the raft
Attack of the fake alligator
Wearing a life jacket from the 90s ha ha ha
Kyler and I were quite proud of our large sand castle :)
My cute little stank face makers
Henry enjoying his s'more. 😂 funny boy ate the chocolate and mallow and left the crackers
Tickles and giggles in the tent
Kyler spent much of our trip entertaining the kiddos while we were getting food ready or cleaning up. He's one heck of a stud!
Baby Lily was such a sweetheart the whole trip!
Henry cheesin'
Isaac cheesin'
Definitely a trip for the books. ❤️