Okay, this army crawling machine is really keeping me on my toes lately!
I was right to be content with her lack of crawling- since she's started moving she is into EVERYTHING and between her and her rascally brother - I'm feeling a tad like a crazy person!
And yet look at that sweet smile :)
She is a mover and a shaker and loves exploring now that she can move.
She is also a SCREAMER! Our fairly quiet baby is now loud loud LOUD! :) I guess she's learned that if she needs something she's gotta speak up or else her verbal brother wins my attention. I'm glad she's learned to speak up for herself though!
Very uninterested in moms attempts at a photo shoot
Because she's such a mover taking pictures for this post was a complete joke so there aren't very many! But here are some fun facts about Rose from this month:
-She loves following everyone around- she's gotten pretty dang fast at that army crawl!
-She wiggles her little body whenever she hears music, maybe she'll be a dancer like Henry?!
-She is starting to really love stuffed animals! She loves squeezing them and biting their noses
-Shes standing for longer periods of time
-Shes still the happiest little lady and is always busting out some huge, cheesey grin
-She can feed herself little pieces of food! Yay! There is a little more freedom for Mom when babies can shove food into their own mouths :)
-She can wave and clap and we're teaching her some sign language. (Mainly so she'll stop screaming ha!)
-She loves books and gets SO happy whenever we read to her
-She is loving toys with mirrors- I thought she loved looking at herself in them but then I noticed she was mainly trying to look at me! Little cutie!
Here she is in her natural habitat on the floor, eating her bear. You know, the usual.