Henry Shenanigans Part 3

This post is dedicated to the magical disappearing acts done by Henry. Boy is this child quick and creative. :) 

Act 1: The Concealing Corridor 

Henry had been playing in his room and I was in the room right across from him moving some boxes around. This was literally a two minute project. I was about 10 feet away from him and it was before he could crawl. I noticed he had gotten quiet so I look up and searched for where I last left him, right next to his crib on the floor. I panicked because he wasn't there and we have stairs that I didn't think I had to block off yet (pre-crawling days). However, lesson learned and stairs officially blocked! 

it's terrible quality I know- sorry. :) 

it's terrible quality I know- sorry. :) 

When I first looked you couldn't even see a tiny sliver of him in the bathroom doorway, so I was extra shocked!  

Oh hi mom, I'm just playing! 

Oh hi mom, I'm just playing! 

Act 2: The Green Plant Illusion 

This was just after he learned how to crawl. I set him down to play on his blanket, and picked up my computer to work on the blog for a bit. Once again, he got quiet, and then I heard a rustle of leaves. I look over and this is what I see: 

Can you find the Henry? 

Can you find the Henry? 

Oh, that's not just a plant. That's my baby! He was just blissfully playing in his own leafy jungle. 

And last, but not least....

Act 3. The Disappearing Hoax

This has happened to both Kyler and I at different times. We will leave Henry playing on our bedroom floor, and when we come back he is no where to be found... until we investigate a little further. :) 

He was once in the middle of that open space...

Oh there he is :) 

He sure keeps life interesting and fun! 

Read Part 1 of Henry's Shenanigans here

Read Part 2 here. :)