Start with Part 1.
We woke up in Madrid in our conveniently located Airbnb that was right in the middle of the of the busiest part of the city which was awesome! Close to food and all sorts of fun things. Madrid was beautiful- like a really classy version of New York City! (but no disrespect to NYC because I love it there so much too ha ha) It just had so much gorgeous architecture everywhere, it was amazing. We slept in that morning and then headed off to Retiro Park! It was a really cool looking park and it had this fun spot in the middle with a pond where you could rent a little boat! Obviously Kyler was all about that. :) After Retiro, we headed over to Madrid’s famous Museo del Prado. We were lucky to be able to get in for free from 6pm-8pm. We waited in a MASSIVE line, but it started moving pretty quickly so we were able to look around for an hour and half, which was a perfect amount for us.
Okay- lets talk about these CREEPY AS HECK “street performers.” They had these guys in Argentina too. These people will dress up as some type of statue and will have this tin sitting out for you to give them money because of how good they are at sitting perfectly still like a real statue for hours. But sometimes, if they notice you looking at them, they’ll look at you and follow you with their head and it’s just CREEPY. ha ha so I risked being found by this guy in order to document the strangeness.
We headed to Toledo, which was such an amazing city! If you’ve ever heard the phrase “Holy Toledo” it’s because there’s literally a holy city called Toledo in Spain ha ha It’s also where the musical “Man of La Macha” is based. it was basically a city within a giant castle which was really fun, and it had a big gorgeous cathedral as well as a monastery with some amazingly talented nuns! We really enjoyed our time there. It was wonderful. While there, in the late afternoon, I took a nap in the car while Kyler did a little bit of exploring on his own and then we were so desperate for delicious food we decided to buy some Dominos. ha ha We usually try hard not to buy American food in foreign countries, but we’d really had bad luck with the food in Spain thus far.
Tools used by these amazing nuns to make their crafts and tools that they sell!
yes- these nuns make knives and swords too ha ha they apparently made the swords/knives for the Lord of the Rings movies!
We took it easy this day and just headed to church which happened to be right by the Madrid Temple! Then we headed back and hung out at home for the rest of the day- we really needed a day of rest :)
We left Madrid but first grabbed a delicious breakfast at Mimi’s Creperia! It felt heaven sent to have some delicious food again after our bad food streak while there ha ha Afterwards we headed up North but stopped in Segovia to see the Aqueducts and then to see the famous Alcazar of Segovia! A gorgeous princess castle for sure. Definitely one of my favorite spots! And because I had this pretty blue dress, we decided to do a little princess shoot while there- naturally. I felt a little silly with tourists everywhere but I’m so glad I just went for it anyway! Also- you better believe we listened to Ed Sheeran’s “castle on the hill” while we drove away ha ha After Segovia we headed up to our Airbnb in Deba, a really small town in the Basque Country. It was beautiful and rainy and stormy there- we stayed there for two nights.
You see all the Nutella behind us on the shelves? You just know this place is gonna be good ha ha
You can’t see it as well with our giant heads in the way, but behind us is how they often advertised their food ha ha there was also a giant suckling pig behind us too but we seem to be blocking it
some last shots of Madrid as we said goodbye
the aqueduct of Segovia
The Alcazar of Segovia!
our cute little airbnb
Read Part 3 next!