
Eli's First Birthday

Just wanted to document this sweet boy’s 1st birthday! We kept it calm and casual at home and had some yummy cake! He got some new swaddle blankets, a church outfit and some toys. He was pretty pleased with the wrapping paper most of all. :) I made his cake and was excited because this was the first time I made a layer cake that wasn’t lopsided ha ha huzzah! Applying sprinkles on the sides turned out terribly but oh well- focusing on the successes ;)

one day I’ll get a good “inside of cake” picture without a messy bottom involved ha ha

one day I’ll get a good “inside of cake” picture without a messy bottom involved ha ha

Fuzzy quality but look at that joy!

Fuzzy quality but look at that joy!

Eli is ONE!

Whhhaaattt? How is this boy ONE?! So cliche but it’s truly been the fastest year of my life!


Here are some fun things about our sweet Eli James:

He can clap, wave, and does that cute little sound thing where he strums his fingers on his bottom lip while making silly sounds. (it’s adorable.)


Weighs 21 lbs 10 oz (55th percentile)

Is 31 inches long (90th percentile)

Head is 18 inches (50th percentile)

He says dada, mama, and all of sorts of cute unintelligible gibberish :) He has stopped spitting up altogether in the last month (HUZZAH!!!) but he is still quite slobbery, especially when teething.


He can pull himself up to stand when he has something to balance on, but is still a little nervous to stand by himself. he climbs all over everything!

He has taken a few steps before falling, but is still a little nervous about this too ha ha

He loves his brother and sister but mama is still his favorite thus far! (YESSS!!)


He is getting 3 teeth right now and has been the saddest boy lately. ( I think he has a total of 9 or 10 teeth at this point!)

He is usually incredibly happy, very snuggly and very calm and content doing his own thing. (unless he’s sick and/or teething ha ha)

The best way to describe him is that he’s essentially the family puppy. He breathes all cute and excitedly like a one, crawls crazy fast and loves to chase things and is very slobbery. Definitely a sweet little pup!


His favorite foods are milk, bananas, blueberries, crackers and clementine cuties! He’ll eat most things though, but those ones are always a hit. (unless he’s teething. ha ha ha)

Doing his cake smash was so fun and so so messy because this boy kept crawling towards me after taking a bite ha ha I definitely had to wipe the floors afterwards! I made the cake way way fancier than I wanted because I was trying to cover up my many mistakes- maybe one day I’ll get to the point where I won’t have to do that but today is not that day ha ha

He gives me really precious open mouth kisses that are super spitty and sloppy and yet I adore them and even encourage them! #momlife


I went for a newsies theme for his birthday shoot and I’m in love with how cute he was in that outfit! Love that sweet little cheeser to pieces.

He is starting to drop his morning nap but isn’t quite ready to let go of it so we’re in a weird transition stage right now. he wakes up around 7/7:30am (my earliest riser thus far) and then usually naps for 3 fish hours throughout the day, and then I put him down to bed around 6 or 7. (yes, we have become the people who have an insanely early bedtime for our baby ha ha #survivalmode.)

Eli joined our family sooner than I would have planned but holy cow, he has been such a perfect and sweet addition to our family and he is total proof that God’s timing is perfect! We love him so much and can’t wait to see what he learns and how he grows this year!
