And then suddenly he was 8 months!
I just adore this babe. He has become so much more alert and aware of his surroundings. He has transitioned to only two naps now and likes to have more awake time in between. He’s so fun to play with but it’s definitely made daily life a little trickier because each child now wants my undivided attention constantly ha ha it gets a bit overwhelming at times but there is still so much joy in it as well. ❤️
He wants to have me in his sight at all times and if I’m not, he can get quite upset! I’m glad he loves me but it makes for awakes bathroom trip experiences sometimes ha ha His joovy baby walker comes in handy for this though because now he can just follow me around without thinking I’ve left him forever all the time ha ha
As the sign says he can sit up and can happily play like that for a good 20 or so minutes! He loves his walker and bouncer still but doesn’t like to be in any position for too long or else he’ll get frustrated. He is super active and wiggly and yet still has such chubby legs. He hasn’t started crawling yet but I’m thinking we’re getting close for sure because of the cute pushups and planks he’ll do! One day he’ll figure out how to add his feet into the mix and he’ll just take off! (I’m in no hurry for that though! 🙅🏼♀️😅)
He has already started pestering his big sister and if he sees one of her toys and grabs it to try and chew on it she’ll get so irritated and say “no Eli!” If only she knew that this was just the start of it. 😉
His facial expressions are either overjoyed or very concerned. ha ha I think he looks just like a chubby, baby Kyler and I’m just delighted about it! He makes such funny breathing noises when he’s super excited and it sounds like a little puppy dog. He likes to squawk and yell to express himself but it doesn’t mean that he’s mad. He enjoys furiously slapping the water during his bath times and will do it with a serious face and then will all of a sudden look up at me and smile like he’s having the time of his life ha ha
He eats a ton and loves solids! At every wake time period he drinks 12 oz of formula (give or take, but usually right around there) and has a little bit of solids, maybe 1/4 cup or so (pieces of bread, peaches, bananas, crackers, puffs or applesauce seem to be his favorites) so that’s a total of around 36 oz of formula a day which just seems like a ton to me ha ha 😱 (definitely not saying this is the average amount an 8 month old should be eating by the way! This is just what works for Eli and his specific body. Every babe is different! It’s just fun for me to document these specifics for when I look back on them. ❤️) Basically if Eli’s upset there’s probably a great chance that he just want some food ha ha sounds like me! 😂
And big sis needed a turn on the rug 😂