This girl is growing so fast!
She is in the 80th percentile for weight and head circumference and is in the 90th for height. She is just one cute, big girl and we love her to pieces!
Rosie is just the best baby. She had been sleeping through the night and then started to wake up once or twice, but is now back to sleeping through the night, a good solid 12 hours. (Enter an angel chorus singing hallelujah!) She sometimes sucks her thumb for comfort and although I'm sure it'll be hard to break the habit later on I can't help but find it adorable.
She is nursing 5 times a day, plus for a minute or two before naps. (I know I know, that's a no no but it helps her sleep and I did it with Henry and it worked out great so oh well I guess :)
She is such a happy girl, always kicking her chunky long legs, smiling or cooing. She is a bit lazy with tummy time but we're working on it. :) She loves her brother and she always laughs so hard at the thing he does and says, it's my favorite!
We're just so glad this girl is apart of our family!
She makes this face all the time when she sucks on her bottom lip and it kills me π