Okay, this post is way overdue. Like about 6 months overdue... I know, I know, I'm terrible! I wanted to take pictures of Henry when he turned two to document his growth and milestones but I had accidentally given him a terrible haircut beforehand. And then, when his hair grew out again and he needed another cut, I messed it up again! Lesson learned- I'm never touching his hair again ha! Anyway, I finally took some pictures of my sweet two year old boy. :) (although technically he's 2 1/2 now.) I just love him so much and love how handsome he is and the sweet, caring person he is becoming!
Is he not a mini Kyler or what?!
His favorites:
Playing with Rosie, playing with any of his little friends or cousins, singing songs (ABCs, I am a Child of God, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jingle Bells.) performing or talking in front of people, riding his scooter and watching Daniel Tiger.
Being alone, nap time and bedtime, timeouts, fruit flies, not getting to see daddy or Rosie.
This is his cheesey smile :)
Learning his colors, can count to (and down from) 10, memorizes songs pretty quickly, can dress himself, can eat most meals without getting it on his clothes (Mom is excited about this!), and can (unfortunately) lock and unlock doors. He loves to brush his teeth, read books and he loves to pray! If we ever say the phrase "whose turn is it?" he yells "my turn!" and gets mad if one of us says it instead. I think he's said over a hundred prayers this month ha!
He is such a fun, silly, kind boy! He says the funniest things, loves being around people, and has the kindest heart. He is a little enegerizer bunny who gives me a run for my money but I love him so much!
He looks so much like Kyler here!
Some funny things he says:
(when it's clearly raining outside) "No, it's not raining outside! It's perfect!" (Because he is trying to persuade me to let him go outside.)
"Can we sing 'twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are?'"
(When we were waiting for a shuttle bus to pick us up) "Bus! Come back! I need a ride!"
He always yells out "Daddy!" so excitedly and so loudly whenever he sees Kyler on the stand at church. He also loves to yell "amen!" after prayers
If you tell him he has to do something he doesn't want to do (eat dinner, get his diaper changed etc) he'll say matter of factly: "No, I don't want it."
He always keeps us laughing - we love him so much and are so glad that he's apart of our family!
Speaking of how he always makes us laugh... 👇🏻
He was so over pictures at this point! The lighting was terrible anyway so I guess he had a point ;)
He decided to take matters into his own hands ;)
"All done mama!"
Love this boy! What a joy he is in our home!