This past summer we had a quick girls trip in Park City with the ladies on Kyler's side of the family. Kyler was super man and took work off so I could go without the Henry boy. :) All of us girls were there except for Shylo (we missed you!) and we had only one baby with us, which was kind of a miracle. :)
It was so. much. fun. and so needed!
The party started Sunday night. We all got there after church and had dinner at the condo featuring Rachel's delicious chicken salad sandwiches. (I think that's what they are called...) We hung out, girl talked, went for a little walk, and painted some nails.
definitely not the best picture but... you get the idea. :)
from left to right: Kiley (with Kayzlie), Kelsey, me, Kinsey, Rachel, Sharla, Patti, Calley, Awna, and Becky. :)
We all stayed up much too late (guys I was too excited to sleep) and had yummy breakfast burritos in the morning.
Then we shopped til we literally dropped for all of Monday, with a little break at Kneaders for a late lunch. Miss Kayzlie (Kiley's youngest) was seriously such a doll the whole trip. I was dying with all of her cuteness!
this girl has such cute, chunky thighs! Love it!
this sweet little lady passed out on Aunt Kelsey. So precious.
It was such a fun little trip and I am grateful to call these women my sisters. We seriously lucked out that we all get along so well. When it comes to in-laws, mine are kinda the best. :) I'm already excited to do this again next year!