Eli is 6 months!
This crazy babe has been teething and popped his first two teeth, one right after the other. He was sleeping super well during the night but now he’s been awake more because his mouth hurts, and then he get stuck on his belly and can’t roll onto his back yet so it’s made for some interesting nights. (I’m TIRED ya’ll!) We have started buckling him into a little reclined chair he has which has helped him sleep but I’m hoping he can learn to fully roll over soon so that this isn’t an issue for too long.
Look at him just looking pleased as punch! and look at that cute chubby belly!
He went on his first camping trip this month and slept amazingly there! It was a huge blessing.
He can sit up a little bit but definitely still needs supported. He loves sitting in his high chair and it often calms him down when he’s fussy.
He loves his brother and sister and smiles so big with them. He is starting to get more hair and it’s just so precious!
He is just an angel baby through and through and I’m constantly amazed at what a blessing his spirit is to our family right now. Love this chubby bubba boy!