This kid!
He's pretty much obsessed with his sister. He loves being near her and giving her kisses and he's becoming softer with her, although we still have some room for improvement :) I'll set her down and then magically he's right next to her! I think Rose girl is slowly starting to warm up to him too. I've taken a million pictures of the two of them, but here are some recent ones that perfectly exhibit his love for his sister!
I set Rose girl down to play on her mat and then left to go grab a water bottle. I came back to this!
He's always looking over at her like "this is the best, right?!" She needs some convincing I think :)
Sharing in some tummy time together-ness! (She looks much closer to the edge of the couch than she is, no worries people- she's safe!)
Here he was talking to her, even using hand movements! It was adorable!
Then we just needed to lay by her.
And then naturally we had to get even closer
I think Rosie is starting to like this guy :)