My adorable girl is two months! (Well, like two weeks ago ha but I'm close enough right?)
She is such a sweet, calm little girl!
She rarely cries and if she does it's typically because she's hungry or needs burped. She was waking up quite a bit a night but in the last two weeks she has suddenly become miss super sleeper! I'll feed her at 9pm and then she'll sleep until 6am, or sometimes she'll blow me away and sleep until 8:30! If she wakes up at 6, she'll eat and then sleep again until 10:30. The only thing I did as far as "sleep training" was help her stick to a 3 hour eat, wake, sleep schedule during the way. I'd feed her, make sure she was awake for atleast an hour (but no longer than an hour and a half or else she got over tired) and then she'd nap until it was the 3 hour mark again. She typically woke up on her own at the 3 hour mark, but if not I'd wake her up. I don't know if that had a ton to do with her sleeping so well now, but it's definitely at least a routine that works really well for us! I am so grateful for how well these kiddos sleep! I feel like a new person these days.
At her doctors appt we found out she was in the 94th percentile for height and in the 55th for weight. Her head size is in the 75th.
She is such a smiley little thing and is always cooing and happily kicking! She seems quite attached to her mama which is fun since Henry is all about his daddy. :)
I'm having a blast dressing her up and making her little bows and man, having a daughter is just fun!
Um please!
And of course Henry had to join in too :)