This girl is just growing so quickly. ❤
The best smile we could get this time :)
She can sit up and loves to roll over all the time. She can pivot in place when she's on her belly and has started kicking her legs while on her belly- I'm thinking crawling might come in the next few weeks! She is definitely getting agitated when she can't move around, so we'll see how long until she finds a way to chase everyone down! (I'd be fine if that didn't happen for another few months ha!)
She has become very expressive and loves to be held and played with. She lights up when you make eye contact with her. She giggles like crazy when you clap your hands or tickle her under her chin, which I just love.
She loves table food! This last month she has really expanded her horizons in that area. She loves peas, bread, little pasta shells, corn, black beans, chicken noodle soup, graham crackers and bananas. She'll eat baby food but it's a struggle and she doesn't care much for it- she knows about the good stuff and that's all she wants I guess!
She doesn't have teeth that have popped yet but she has two little nubbons on the bottom and one on top that are SO close to coming through! Despite that discomfort she must feel she has still been full of sunshine and smiles. :) I'm gonna miss her gummy smiles but those little baby teeth are pretty cute too!
Fuzzy, but you get the picture!
Her two signature moves are her duck lips and then sucking her right thumb while tugging on her left ear. Both are basically the most adorable things ever!
It's crazy to think she's getting so close to being a year old! Time is shooting by. I love this girls smiles, giggles, and snuggles. She is such a bundle of joy and peace and we're all smitten!
So much chubby cuteness!