When I spoke to my husband a few months ago about getting serious about blogging, this amazing man offered to edit each of my posts! He is so smart, especially in writing, spelling, and grammar, so this was an offer I couldn't refuse! If you knew how busy this talented man was, you'd be extra impressed that he takes the time to help me with something that means so much to me. :)
note: my editor is my husband, not my baby. :)
Since we have teamed up on this blog, it has been so much fun to discuss topics I would like to write about and ways to improve the design and content. It's exciting that something that started out as a "me" thing, became an "us" thing that has strengthened our friendship and taught us how to work better together! I learn so much from him and am grateful that he is my business partner as well as the love of my life.
Thanks Mr. Editor!