About a month ago Kyler, Henry and I went on a little camping and hiking trip with my sister Laiken and her husband Jon and son Isaac! It was a total blast!
Poor henry's hat covered his face :)
We were a little nervous to see how the baby boys would handle it. Isaac and Henry are bout 7 weeks apart, so both boys were under 9 months at the time. We were pleasantly surprised to see how perfect these little cousins were! They made it such a fun trip. They were super hero little guys to put up with so much driving and hiking and hardly any naps. :)
We hit a little snag at first because we happened to be at Arches National Park at the same time as every other person on the planet. It seemed like there were NO campsites open anywhere! Laik and Jon had arrived in Moab about 5 hours before we did, and they spent the entire time searching. None of us had reserved a spot because we thought for sure we'd find something, plus many sites didn't let you reserve them ahead of time. It was frustrating and kind of scary to not know where to sleep at night, especially because we were trying to be brave and test out how camping would go with the babies.
Luckily, my stellar husband was able to spot a camping site that had plenty of open spots! It was combined with a motel and RV camp site, so many people missed the camping part of it. The camp sites were typically $25 a night per site, but the owners saw that w we had not been able to find any other place and had little babies that needed to go to bed. Luckily, the people who owned it were so nice and since they were just starting their business, they let us have two sites for the price of one. They were cozy little sites that were kind of close together, but they worked perfectly for our needs. They also had a communal kitchen and super nice bathrooms and showers. We are beyond grateful for the kind hearted souls at ACT Campgrounds in Moab!
Once we were settled in, we had a fun few days filled with good food, great conversation and laughs, and lots of fun hiking. We sure love Laiken and Jon and are so grateful for their friendship!
And now for a parade of pictures. :)
Balancing Rock
Clearly Henry was hiking in style. You can see he loved those sunglassess... Poor little guy. :)
Jon and Isaac
Yep, he fell asleep like that. Looks super comfortable right?
So. much. fun. :)
And last of all, the husbands saw this huge sand hill and had to climb and roll down it. You can see Jon at the tippy top, and a small mark next to him is Kyler! He had walked away from the edge before I snapped the picture. They were hilarious to watch coming down!
Twas a blast! And we proved we could successfully camp with babies. :)