I've never had a photo shoot solely focused on the fact that I'm pregnant so after I learned how to use my new camera a little (and oh man I have so much more to learn still! 😬) I drug Kyler out with me to Provo Canyon to see if we could get a few good shots! This is one of the reasons that I know he loves me because it was apart of our wedding anniversary date night and it was absolutely freezing but he was gung ho for it nonetheless. :)
These aren't perfect by any means but it was really fun practicing our limited photography skills together! I've been trying to learn how to shoot in manual mode and have the very basic concepts down but am excited to learn more and more! Essentially I would set the cameras setting for lighting (while having to go over my notes about it because I do not have it all memorized yet ha!) and then Kyler would snap away. On the couple shots we used a tripod (that he surprised me with for said anniversary ❤️) and a remote and attempted our very best to look like we weren't just guessing at how to do this ha! Anyway, overall I really like how they turned out and we had a ton of fun together doing it. I'm thankful to have these memories for this pregnancy and I'm so excited to learn even more about photography!
This dress is from Amazon.com and was only $22! It's super flattering and comes in a million colors. Also it's nursing friendly as well as bump friendly so it's a steal of a deal all around. :) You can find it here.
I started out in this beautiful dress from Kelsey Jean Co but pretty much all of the pictures of me in it, besides this one, I looked ginormous 😬 love the dress but think by this stage in pregnancy I'll have to wait to wear it until I've had my baby dang it!
34 weeks along :)
Love this man and love this baby! Can't wait for him to come! (But seriously, I'm over pregnancy 😬😂)