I used to document the cute and crazy mischief making Henry did when he first started crawling and I wanted to start that back up again! I think I just got overwhelmed when he started walking because pretty much every day was FULL of shenanigans! But I think I want to share the high lights because he is just too funny. :) this one is entitled: Innocent Exposure.
Yesterday I was sitting on my couch nursing Miss Rose. Henry was in just a diaper and was crawling all over me (other nursing mamas with older kids- you know what I'm talking about!) and heard our cute neighbor girls playing on our porch. He crawled up on the top of our couch to sit on our window sill and hit the window to say hi to them. Since I was nursing I wasn't paying too close attention to what he was doing, but I heard him and the girls laughing and saying hi to each other. After a few minutes, I look up at Henry and (to my horror) find that he is completely NAKED and pressed up against the window, showing his little body to the neighbor girls as well as to the whole world! I have no clue how long he had been in the nude- boy what a shock those poor girls must have had! Obviously he's too young to understand why he shouldn't wave his little manhood to the world, but my goodness it sure was a shock!
He's such a cute little stinker!
Rose cracks me up here because she looks so uncomfortable, but I thought this face really captured Henry's precious mischief making abilities :)