Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the wiggly stage with this adorable little lady!
Also pardon the summer dress! This girl is growing too quickly and her 12 mo clothes are what is fitting right now, of course in the dead of winter! 😬
She is so interested in everything around her, and her little chubby hands and fingers are constantly wrapping around anything within her grasp. (Like my hair, ouch!)
gotta get that bear!
Shes sleeping well and eating well, yay! I've lucked out with her for sure! I'm excited to try more foods for baby led weaning as she continues to master the use of her arms and hands to feed herself. :) Right now she loves bread and bananas the most!
She is definitely NOT a complainer! At her last doctors appointment she barely made a whimper when she got her shots- she's a tough little lady.
There's that silly tongue :)
She has finally rolled all the way over which was so exciting! She especially loves to roll from her back to her belly. She loves to play with toys that crinkle and she loves this cute long, bendy flower toy we have. Her favorite stuffed animal is her piggy. She gets the biggest smile on her face when she sees it and loves to bite it's nose. She also loves sticking out her tongue lately, it's a crack up!
She is just the sweetest girl with the cutest expressions and I'm so excited to see her grow even more!
This face! directed towards brother of course :)
Those little leg rolls
And of course some participation from big brother. :)
Rosie's like "uh.. this is my photo shoot dude!"
Henry was pretending his little toy was a camera, and he kept copying everything I was saying and doing 😂
Love my babies!