June’s Four Month Update

We’ve officially hit the magical stage people! I love this age so much!


We left the kids and Junie for almost two weeks while Kyler and I went on a trip. The tickets worked out being a lot sooner than what we had anticipated and so I was so sad to leave my girl while she was still so young! How ever we had the best sitter and everything went so well thankfully! I for sure missed her smell and precious little smiles though.


When we got home from our trip, June started sleeping through the night (a full 12 hours) which has been SO lovely.

She eats about 6-8oz of formula 4 times a day, takes a long morning nap and a long afternoon nap and goes to bed around 7/7:30. Now that we have a pretty solid routine, I am feeling so much more sane!


She loves to have eye contact, kicks those little legs like she’s giving Gene Simmons a run for his money and ADORES her big brother Henry. Life with June is just too sweet.