Rose girl is 8 months!
There's no such thing as keeping our legs still with this girl 😂 also this bear is in for it
She is such a fun little butter ball. I'm eating this stage right up!
Lately she's been seeming so grown up- she loves to grab hold of things and is starting to sit up on her own. She's semi figuring out a suppy cup and is adorably hilarious when she chews her food. We've added beans to her list of foods and she makes the funniest face while she eats them, and yet she gobbles them up, so I think she likes them? Also bread and bananas are still a huge hit for her.
Brother gave her a car to keep her happy
She can sit by herself for quite awhile if she's distracted with something in her hands, but if she tries to look around or loses her focus she'll tumble over, ouch! She has occasionally pivoted around while on her belly, and she's been getting frustrated lately when toys are out of her reach and she loves to kick her legs while on her belly, which makes me nervous she'll start crawling soon! Okay, I guess I shouldn't be nervous about that, but I'm really loving not having to chase her around. :) I'll be in for it with the shenanigans her brother will rope her into!
Why are you making those weird faces at me mom?
She still loves her brother more than anything and the two of them are quite the cheese balls when they get together. One Sunday while at church she was so tired that she was practically delirious and Henry started making funny faces at her. Suffice it to say that Kyler was able to hear their giggles from all the way up at the stand 🙈 they could not be contained! It's safe to say they are the best little buddies.
Pardon his jammies and bedhead- my energy had gone into only getting Sis ready 😂
We have many nicknames for her, but the favorites are: Rosie Posey (Henry uses this one the most 😍) Sister, Sis, Rose, baby doll, and baby girl. Not the most creative but alas, they just roll off the tongue. :)
Intrigued by her mocassins
Her sweet, calming disposition is just the best. Sometimes holding her or having her smiling at me and looking into my eyes just brings me to tears. What sweet bundles of innocence these babies are!
This bear never stood a chance!
Her hair is getting longer and I'm already daydreaming of when I can give her a little pony tail on the top of her head :) hopefully soon! So glad I have a little copper top mini me!
Just so grateful for this girl. She sure teaches me so much about love!
Dimples hands ❤❤
Her focus on this bears ear just kills me- we just gotta discover all the things!