Oh this girl. I have alllll the heart eyes for this sweet little lady.
Her sweet temperament and easy going nature has been such a blessing to our family at this time. She is so easy to please and just the happiest little baby bundle! Once she makes eye contact with you there's a great chance she'll flash you one of her brilliant and ever present smiles.
She eats for about 15-20 minutes each time and nurses 5-7 times a day. She has started sleeping 11-14 hours at night which is a "whoop whoop!" feeling for sure! I've noticed that when we stick to our daily schedule and when I put her to bed for the night around 8 pm she seems to sleep the best. I've also noticed if I put her to bed later than 8:30, she tends to have a harder time falling asleep (overtired I think) and she'll also wake up earlier the following morning. If she doesn't nap as well during the day, she doesn't sleep as well at night. I know every child is so different, but it really seems that with my kids, sleep begets sleep!
Munchin on those hands
She's been wearing 3-6 month size clothes for about a month now and actually wears quite a few 6 months clothes as well! She's in size 2 diapers. I don't remember this with Henry, but I have to be super thorough cleaning all of her little rolls every day or else she gets sores :( She doesn't spit up as much as she used to but she still lets out a few surprise spit ups every once in awhile. (Usually when I'm all dressed up and/or don't have a burp rag 😉)
She is super giggly and loves to be tickled under her arms or under her chin(s), and loves a good leg shake here and there. She has let out some pretty phenomenal baby laughs so thats been pretty fun!
Sometimes when she is having a hard time falling asleep, it usually means she's lonely, which I think is just precious. Once I snuggle with her or hold her she'll usually fall asleep pretty quickly, she just needed a little more social interaction! She tends to overheat easily, which seems to happen a lot in her car seat so she's not a fan of long car rides.
She is very expressive and coos, giggles, and "talks" a lot when she's awake. She likes to stand when you hold her and she's always holding her head up, so getting her to snuggle on your chest can be quite the feat at times. She (usually) falls asleep instantly when I wear her in a baby wrap, and she loves to kick her chunky little legs all the live long day. So far she seems to be a mamas girl. (Another whoop whoop moment yall. :) )
She is just the cutest little thing, and I'm so grateful for her sweet, calming little spirit in our family! Oh Rosemary Pay, how we love you so. ❤️
Don't worry we got our traditional brother photo this time too :)
And... We're done :)