Well, I'm like a month late but my cute big boy had his second birthday!
We got excited and impatient to celebrate so on the Friday night before his birthday at like 8pm (his birthday was on a Sunday) we busted out the cake and presents! We even went outside while it was raining so henry could play with some of his outdoor gifts and it was just a blast. :)
Henry is such a funny little guy. Talking a ton, working those fantastic dance moves, and being such a sweet big brother to Rose. We sure love him and are so grateful he is in our family!
I got ambitious and made a two layered circle cake and it turned out better than I hoped! It was a lot bigger than I expected too :)
Kyler strung lights since it was so dark, and it really added to the magic of the moment :)
Politely eating cake with a fork- don't worry he still made a mess of things later :)
Yay for birthdays! 🎉