Eli's Two Month Update

This boy is too much. ❤️​


He is definitely my biggest baby thus far and is in size 3 diapers and size 3-6 months clothes already. He has started smiling and cooing a bit and I love it so much!  


He's sleeping a little bit longer stretches at night, like 5-6 hours, but has a hard time letting me put him to bed before midnight. Naps are sometimes a struggle during the day at times but overall he's doing well!


He's definitely a spit-upper like my first two but a little extra laundry never killed anybody. (Or so they tell me 😅)


His daddy has been feeding him a bottle in the morning so I can get a little extra sleep and it's been lovely! I just pump when I wake up before I nurse him and luckily he takes a bottle and still nurses just fine! We use Dr Browns bottles and they've been great.  


Rosie and Henry are still quite obsessed with him but I am too so I can't blame them! He has caught one cold thus far thanks to big sis being so good at sharing ;) but thankfully it wasn't too crazy.  ❤️


Love him to pieces 💙💙


Eli's Newborn Photos

I'm definitely pretty new to photography and have already learned so much more since I've taken these shots (huge shout out to my friend Tara for explaining a lot to me and giving me tips! Seriously invaluable. ❤️) but I wanted to share some of my favorites from a shoot I did of just Eli and then another one of our family to document his precious tiny newborn sweetness. Heaven has been a little closer to our home since he joined our family and we just love him so so much. 

He looks so much like my Henry here. 💙 

He looks so much like my Henry here. 💙 



Getting a little hungry ha ha  

Getting a little hungry ha ha  

Love those little fingers and that tiny mouth  

Love those little fingers and that tiny mouth  

Can't get over the sweetness of his little expression here!

Can't get over the sweetness of his little expression here!


And now for our family ones! Any where we are on the bed were edited by Tara Adams. She was so great to help fix some of my brightness issues so that I could still share these precious shots.  

Rosie's cheeser kills me every time  💜

Rosie's cheeser kills me every time  💜

My boys 💙 still can't believe I have TWO of them!  

My boys 💙 still can't believe I have TWO of them!  

Makes me laugh every time!  

Makes me laugh every time!  

Sweetest daddy- so excited to have another son 💙 

Sweetest daddy- so excited to have another son 💙 

All my boys!  

All my boys!  

My toddlers faces ha ha

My toddlers faces ha ha

love this little family of mine. ❤️

love this little family of mine. ❤️