June’s 2 Month Update

Oh June bug, you are such a bundle of joy!


And man, it’s been the fastest two months of my life!

June bug started smiling earlier than my other kiddos and she smiles a lot, especially for a newborn!


My milk supply has randomly started to fade away. If I didn’t have 3 other kids I could pump and try and get it back, but thankfully she takes a bottle with formula just fine so I’ll nurse her for as long as I can until it’s gone and call it good! Ha ha thank goodness for formula!


She is starting to show a bit of nervousness around Eli ha ha so we’ve been trying to teach the kids to talk softly and slowly when near her. Henry and Rose help me feed her sometimes by holding the bottle for her and rose loves to pick out outfits for her.

She’s starting to coo a little already too!


I haven’t been very good at tummy time with her thus far but when we do do it she can handle it for about 30 seconds before she gets so very sad.

She still eats once at night but she’s sleeping longer stretches overall which has been quite nice.


Everyone always fights to hold her ha ha safe to say we love her.

June’s One Month Update

My little newborn love

My little newborn love

Sweetest baby girl. I can’t get over the calm demeanor this sweet little love gives off.

One month

One month

We are nursing and all is going well there.

She sleeps all the time and only gets up once at night.

She rarely cries, and when she does it’s a super easy fix!

She is also my first baby that didn’t struggle with jaundice, yay!


We’re all so obsessed with this precious, tiny girl!