June’s Ten Month Update

I realized I never posted this ha ha

June girl hit 10 months in July!

She’s 19 lbs and has such cute rolls around her thighs, but she also looks thinner than my other babies at this age!

She has 3 teeth and wants all the food!

Crawling is her specialty but she still does it kind of weird with her left arm pulling her forward and one leg kicking back ha ha seems exhausting!

She is very interactive and playful and loves when her big siblings play with her.

She’s just a big ol bundle of joy!

June’s Nine Month Update

9 months in, 9 months out!

June is getting so much hair, it’s the best! And it’s still fairly dark blonde/brown. I’m curious if she’ll get bright blonde hair like Henry or if it’ll stay a little darker!

Baby girl can sit up really well and rolls and rolls all over the place. No crawling yet but I’m okay with that ha ha

She still just has one little snaggle tooth on the bottom which cracks me up, my other kiddos always seemed to have teeth that came in pairs but this tooth has been on it’s own for 2 months now! She chews and chomps and drools like crazy all the time. :)

She always smells so good, even if it’s been a bit since her last bath. Baby magic!

She loves to eat table food! She’s had banana, rice cereal chips, puffs, string cheese, ritz crackers, spaghetti, black beans and corn. She makes a funny face when she first tries the food and looks like she hates it but she keeps eating it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Ha ha

Clapping is her favorite

Clapping is her favorite

She has found her voice and yells and squawks so loudly! Ha ha it’s kind of hilarious. Makes for many a good awkward moment in church! :)

We takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap, and sleeps from 7:30pm ish until around 8/8:30.

She’s an angel baby through and through, every minute with her is so dang fun!