Peter’s Eleventh Month Update

I cannot believe my precious angel boy is almost ONE!

This little guy has taken his time with physical accomplishments due to his cute, large head but this month he sat up in a shopping cart for the first time! He seemed to quite like the view ha ha

And not only can he sit on the shopping cart, but the biggest news of all is that this sweetie can officially sit up on his own now! Woot woot!

He also got to be baby Jesus in our family's little nativity reenactment haha I made a manger for a ward party but Pete was a little too big for it ha ha

We are loving his hair fluff on top of his head, it’s quite cute with how big his head is ha ha we’ve been told that head size does often correlate with intelligence levels so we’ve got big hopes for his future. :) ha ha

He can feed himself baby puffs and quite enjoys chewing on everything! Peter has 4 teeth now and loves to scoot around on his belly.

We adore him and can’t believe he’s one next month!

Peter’s Ten Month Update

Pete Pete is 10 months! How?!

This month he celebrated his first Halloween as was Donkey Kong to go with our Mario Kart family theme haha

He is still not sitting up without support or crawling yet and the doctor said it's because his head is heavy so shes not worried about it yet!

This little sweetie is definitely our baby because just like his siblings before him, he always has chronic bright red cheeks ha ha

He loves to thump his meaty thunder thighs on the ground and he has two teeth now! He’s growing too fast dang it! 🥺