Jack’s Four Month Update

Our dearest Jack Gordon is 4 months!

He is sleeping long stretches at night and has started cooing a lot which is the very best. ❤️

I probably sound silly because practically every baby I have I say is the easiest baby ever, but Jack really is!! Ha ha so sweet, so calm, so quiet, so happy. He is the best!

If he ever cries it’s easily solved and he is always cooing and smiling. We are so blessed that he is ours. 💙

Jack’s Three Month Update

This sweet boy is 3 months!

Jack is now 12lbs 5oz which makes me so happy since he was so small at birth. 💙 he’s chunking right up now!

He is in size 2 diapers, wearing 3-6 month clothes and gets so happy and smiley with any eye contact!

This past week he had a little cold that turned into bronchiolitis and he needed to be put on oxygen while his little body healed. It was initially quite overwhelming for me to deal with all of the wires and tubes at first, but it was obvious that he felt a lot better once he could breathe properly. ❤️ and it was a blessing that he didn’t have to be admitted to the hospital so he could recover at home!

Now he's back to being our healthy and happy little baby, which puts my mama heart at ease ha ha