Jack’s Eight Month Update

Jackers is 8 months!

This cute little hillbilly gap tooth boy is just the sweetest. He's been getting over a cold so he had some sad days last week but now that he's feeling better he's back to his happy little self.

This boy loves to pivot and roll all over the place and is at the stage of grabbing hold onto everything and shoving it into his mouth.

We've been practicing sitting up on our own a bit but we're still quite unsteady ha ha He's just a bald little cue ball still which kills me even more with his goofy teeth ha ha

I have tried to give him oatmeal cereal (plain, really watery, not so watery, with cinnamon) and he gags like I'm poisoning him ha ha maybe 8 months will be his magic solid food month finally!

Everyone is wrapped around his sticky little baby fingers. We just love this bubs!

Jack’s Seven Month Update

Everybody’s favorite baby is growing too fast!

He is just so rolly polly wiggly and trying to grab onto everything currently.

He is popping his two top teeth and he's been such an angel about it that I didn't even notice until today, and they're almost out!

He loves hanging out in his bumbo, gnawing on all the things and being snuggled up nice and close. He gets so happy to see his siblings and loves to kick his legs.

If you put him down on his back he will be up on his tummy in 5 seconds ha ha I am so grateful for the sweetness and stillness Jack brings with him.

I could smell him and snuggle him forever. Oh how we love our Jackers. 🩵