Eli's Four Month Update

My sweet boy πŸ’™Β  Time to document what he's been up to lately!


He is so good natured. Usually very happy and calm which is a such a blessing! 


My milk supply has been disappearing (mainly because I was on a million trips this past month and pumping just isn't the same) so Eli nurses in the morning but then has breast milk (that I pumped and stored in the freezer) via bottle and then has formula before bedtime. He is such a champ and just wants food so he is miraculously unpicky and will take whatever he is given which is a huge blessing.

I'm really calm and at peace that my milk is almost gone. It's strange. I nursed my first two until a year and really loved it and I've loved nursing Eli. I've been blessed with minimal issues while nursing and have had a great experience each time. With Henry I did have to fight to fix my supply after damaging it with sudafed and it was a big battle that took months of pumping, eating oatmeal and taking fenugreek but I was able to do it and was really proud of myself for sticking with it! This time around with 3 kids under 4, I have no energy or time available to fight for it again, but I'm 100% okay with how it's turned out. ❀️ We'll use up what's left of my freezer milk stash (which will last for about a month, maybe a little longer 🀞🏻 I'm so grateful I have it!) I'll still nurse him in the mornings for as long as my body will let me and then we'll do formula. Fed is best! I'm grateful to be at a place mentally and emotionally where I really believe that. It makes this transition into a positive instead of into something stressful and sad. πŸ’›πŸ’›


He I s so close to rolling over! The majority of his tummy time has him ending up on his back but I'm still thinking it's accidental. The cutie looks super confused every time it happens so I think he hasn't actually figured it out yet ha ha He is really good at going from his back to his side though which I think is adorable. 


He is a stiff little baby! He loves standing on his legs and prefers that over sitting, even when he's being burped which makes for some awkward positioning ha ha He's been like this almost since day one. It makes me feel panicked that he'll be a fast walker. πŸ˜… Stay a little roly poly blob for as long as possible baby boy! 


He has survived ten days without mama this past month! 5 days I was at Lake Powell for Youth Conference so we had nannies with the kids and 5 days I was at Girls Camp and daddy and various sitters held down the fort. I've never left a baby this young before (and dont worry, I don't plan on making it a habit ha ha.) It was emotional at first but I felt that the decision to go to these events was right and felt really at peace with attending them for the whole time. ❀️ Thankfully he still loves me and recognizes me πŸ˜‰ It's been fun to see a stronger connection between him and his daddy now too!

He's still super spitty ha ha I just keep reminding myself that one day it will end! He has started giggling and laughing and it's so precious! Babies are just too cute!

He's still super spitty ha ha I just keep reminding myself that one day it will end! 

He has started giggling and laughing and it's so precious! Babies are just too cute!


We no longer swaddle his arms when he sleeps and he is always putting his arms in the cutest and funniest positions while he sleeps. He takes three naps a day for 2 hours and then sleeps for 11-12 hours at night. Hallelujah! πŸŽ‰ He was my worst newborn sleeper but now he's killin it. 


So grateful for the sweet spirit he brings into our home. Love him so much. πŸ’™

Eli's Three Month Update

We have survived the 4th trimester, huzzah! ​


This boy is sleeping so well! After all of those late night cluster feedings from 8pm-1am every night for pretty much his first two months, he has started doing 8-10 hour stretches and is usually down for the night around 8:30/9pm. πŸ™ŒπŸ»  He is also pretty good at going right back to bed after one feeding so I'm able to get pretty good sleep at night finally! Life is looking bright again ha ha Β 


Although he is still a spituppy baby I've noticed I'm having to do a little less laundry throughout the week so it's getting a bit better! Β 


He's liking tummy time a little better but once we hit about 2-3 minutes he is over it and let's me know it ha ha he has rolled over by accident a couple of times while on his tummy but I'm pretty sure it hasn't been real yet. I'm kind of okay if he takes awhile to roll and crawl and walk like Rosie did! Less time spent chasing him around. πŸ˜…


He is definitely still a chunkamonga! I tried to weigh him by weighing myself on our home scale first and then weighing again while holding him and I know that's not the most accurate way but it sure looked like he weighs around 15/16 lbs! I'm excited to see what he weighs at the doctor when he's 4 months! 


He has started to seem a little less worried about being near Henry (big brother has been working on talking quietly by him so that helps ha ha) but he still seems a little nervous around sweet Rose! She's got a lot of loud love to give him and sometimes gets a little too close for his comfort but she is pretty sweet to him ha ha she loves to say "hi" right in his face while smiling at him so big and she loves to give him kisses on his head. ❀️


He is super smiley and coos so much these days and it just makes my heart melt. So grateful for this sweet babe. He really came to our family just when he was supposed to. ❀️